The Student Life

Being a Fresher…

I have to say that I have really been slacking on the posts due to the fact that I have moved to University! All is well and I am fine, I haven’t poisoned myself with too much alcohol and I haven’t starved yet…

So the first week of University is Freshers week, or in my University’s case freshers fortnight which consists of plenty of drinking, meeting people, dancing and again more drinking. This will therefore be my first post about University…

  • Ok so the first thing that I was to be aware of is the dreaded fresher’s flu. This didn’t catch up with me until the end of October, it left me suffering in bed for nearly 2 weeks. Tips for beating the flu, water, duvet, tissues, medication such as paracetamol, cold and flu medicine, and sleep for as long as possible but most importantly keep drinking and partying, it will soon pass through your system, keep going!
  • You will never sleep properly again! Your sleeping pattern will be destroyed, you soon realise that when you are not out partying you actually have to entertain yourself, leaving you awake at godly hours of the night.
  • University can be awkward at first. You have to meet your flatmates for the first time, a really sweaty annoying guy may start grinding on you, you will without a doubt get lost, falling over when you are too drunk to realise what is going on and being reminded of said night that you were too drunk to realise what was going on.
  • Doing your own cooking isn’t as bad as it seems. I have come to learn that the microwave and the toaster are my best friend. Living off pasta, toast and super noodles isn’t so bad, and the occasional pizza if you can afford it.
  • All girls will soon learn that HEELS SUCK!!! especially when you have to run for the bus, walk up stairs and stand upright after a few drinks. However, if you have great guy friends they may be nice enough as to carry you back to your flat when your feet feel like they are on fire.
  • You will meet some incredible people on nights out, some will be people you just say hi to but others will become your friends for life (best part of uni).
  • You WILL drink a lot. You will always have fun and have a laugh with your flat mates and friends that you have made. It is a good idea to experiment with drinks you have never had before, then suffer the next day with an awful hang over. An experience  I am willing to share with the world is the time I tried Absinthe for the first time… turns out I am actually allergic to it. I broke out in a huge rash that lasted about 2 hours… yay me!

Keep partying on!17121_10151950100642281_988401422_n